mental health first aid training

Learning mental health first aid is as essential as physical first aid. Learn to spot the signs, provide help and guide a person towards support.

Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) Mental Health First Aid Australia

12-hour program

A mental health first aider provides initial assistance to an individual with a mental health problem (or crisis). This training supports people to spot the signs, have the confidence to provide initial help and guide a person towards support. It is about learning to listen, reassure and respond to the warning signs of depression, anxiety, psychosis and substance use, potentially preventing a crisis.

An nb&a group accredited instructor delivers this face-to-face training across two or more sessions to build confidence through a mix of case studies, group activities, presentations and discussions.

Note: Course content can be sensitive. It’s not recommended for people being treated or recovering from a mental health problem.

Mental Health First Aid Refresher

4-hour program

Eligible accredited mental health first aiders are able to extend their accreditation by completing a refresher course to update and build on skills learned in the initial 12-hour mental health first aid course. This course contains new material and a take-home manual.

Blended MHFA

eLearning + 4-hour face-to-face training

Designed for workplaces that require increased flexibility in the delivery of training for their staff members, the Blended Mental Health First Aid in the Workplace course is a combination of online (eLearning) followed by and a half day face-to-face training.  Course participants first complete the interactive self-paced eLearning component that presents an overview of mental health problems and mental health crises. The follow-on face-to-face training allows participants the opportunity to revise and consolidate skills in a group environment and to address mental health problems in the workplace in more depth.

Youth Mental Health First Aid

14-hour program

The Youth Mental Health First Aid course will teach you how to assist adolescents who may be experiencing a mental health problem or mental health crisis until appropriate professional help is received or the crisis resolves, using a practical, evidence-based Action Plan.


Teen Mental Health First Aid

3.5 hour program

With a focus on improved mental health literacy and early intervention, the peer-to-peer Teen MHFA course is for high school students in Years 7–9 and Years 10–12. It teaches participants how to recognise changes in a friend's thinking, feelings or behaviour that may indicate the presence of a mental health problem, how to offer initial mental health first aid support and how to connect them with a trusted adult.

Mental Health First Aid for the Suicidal Person

4-hour program

This face-to-face course teaches participants how to give first aid to someone who is feeling suicidal. The course shares international best-practice guidelines on how to intervene when a person experiences suicidal thoughts and behaviours.

Note: Course not recommended for people bereaved by suicide. Please access specific services at beyondblue.

Mental Health First Aid for Non-suicidal Self-injury

4-hour program

Based on guidelines developed through expert consensus of professionals and people with lived experience of mental health problems, learn how to assist a person who is engaging in self-injury.

Mental Health First Aid Skilled Workplace

nb&a group partners with organisations to teach managers, supervisors and other employees how to provide early assistance to a co-worker with signs of a mental health problem (or crisis). Talk to us about training your staff and being recognised as an MHFA Skilled Workplace.

Upcoming courses

Click for information and to register:

MHFA Refresher (Online) 17 September 2024

Standard MHFA F2F 24-25 September 2024

Conversations about Suicide MHFA Training: 23 October 2024

Standard MHFA F2F 19-20 November 2024

MHFA Refresher (Online) 5 December 2024

Please contact 08 8352 6344 or


We have now delivered Mental Health First Aid training to over 1,000 South Australia Police employees.

This is in addition to people from a wide variety of industries including:
Emergency Services
Disability support
Production—senior executives + production workers
Aged Care
Government agencies.

Contact us today to discuss your specific objectives and requirements.

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