Specialist skills and expertise of occupational therapists qualified in mental health help an individual get Back on Track.
Sometimes an individual with a mental health condition might struggle with day-to-day routines of work, home and social activity. Early warning signs include reduced coping, social isolation and disinterest in their own self-care.
Back on Track was designed by experts to reverse this downward spiral.
It combines expertise in mental health and occupational therapy to focus on functional abilities and capacity. This unique program is delivered in-home and adopts a step-by-step approach to goal achievement. It can be delivered standalone or in conjunction with other treating health professionals.
This service is available in Adelaide, Brisbane and Melbourne
Every person has different needs and each unique Back on Track program combines:
- in-home service delivery, with contact at least every two weeks
- priority goal setting and activities and tasks that support each goal
- work hardening and home activities that prepare for return to work
- regular reporting and communication with key stakeholders.
For more information on the program and when to refer, check out our Back on Track - Mental Health Occupational Therapy website.
Contact us today to discuss your specific objectives and requirements.